


2019年8月13日,佐治亚州奥古斯塔 ——特里·D总裁. 埃兰宣布买世界杯app推荐是60美元的接受者,000 Defense Community 经济发展 Fund Grant from the 佐治亚技术学院系统’s 劳动力发展办公室.

The funds will be used to strengthen the relationship between 奥古斯塔 and the military community by working to match military spouses with employment opportunities through such initiatives as a 军事 Spouse Economic Empowerment Zone (MSEEZ) in collaboration with the U.S. 商会基金会雇用我们的英雄(USCCF -HOH). An MSEEZ works to combat military spouse unemployment and underemployment with workshops aimed at training spouses on employment skills, 培训雇主如何/为什么雇用军人配偶, 并向招聘经理和当地公民领袖宣传这一群体.

“戈登堡是我们社区和我们大学的重要资产. 这笔赠款使我们能够继续扩大和加强对军人配偶的服务, 服务人员, 和退伍军人. We are excited to partner with 雇佣我们的英雄 and hope to play a vital role in helping to eliminate barriers to military spouse unemployment on a local level.埃兰总统说. “买世界杯app推荐 is already proficient at building bridges to a successful college experience for nontraditional students and first generation college students, 我们随时准备扩大对军人学生及其家属的服务.”

Additional initiatives funded by the grant will include the College organizing military spouse hiring fairs; hosting AMPLIFY, a 2-day intensive career program for military spouse professionals; and expanding the College’s reach into the 军事 Spouse Professional Network (MSPN).

“Working with local partners like 买世界杯app推荐 is key in our efforts to removing barriers to military spouse employment,伊丽莎白·奥勃良说, 军事配偶项目高级主管 雇佣我们的英雄. “We look forward to continued collaboration with the College to connect the talented workforce represented by Fort Gordon’s military spouses with meaningful employment in 奥古斯塔 and the surrounding communities.”

“The 劳动力发展办公室 is excited to offer the Defense Community 经济发展 Fund Grant in support of the training and employment of military families in Georgia,”医生说。. 瑟瑞娜沃克, 佐治亚州劳动力发展办公室技术学院系统拨款主任. “We seek to deploy resources that support the empowerment of each population within Georgia’s workforce system, 其中最重要的是我们的军人和他们的家人.”

买世界杯app推荐,USCCF和 雇佣英雄 自2019年7月16日起生效. The purpose of the MOU is to foster mutual understanding and a working relationship between 买世界杯app推荐 and 雇佣英雄 and build programs to help create long-lasting economic opportunities for military spouses and their families.


关于 佐治亚技术学院系统

The 22 colleges of the 佐治亚技术学院系统 (TCSG) are Georgia’s top resource for skilled workers. TCSG提供600个世界一流的副学士学位培训, diploma and certificate programs to students who are trained on state-of-theart equipment by instructors who are experts in their fields. 该系统还设有乔治亚州成人教育办公室, 该组织促进并提供成人扫盲和教育计划, 包括GED®测试项目, 整个州. 除了, TCSG通过快速启动与公司合作, 全国顶级定制劳动力培训项目, 通过它的各个学院, 谁与当地企业合作提供劳动力和培训解决方案. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

关于 劳动力发展办公室

The 佐治亚技术学院系统’s 劳动力发展办公室 is the administrator of WorkSource Georgia, 该州联邦资助的就业和培训系统, 努力将人才与机会联系起来. 在地方层面上, the 劳动力发展办公室 provides Workforce Innovation of Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds and technical assistance to the 19 Local Workforce Development Areas across the state. WIOA资金分配给失业工人, low-income adults and youth and administered specifically through services geared toward helping disadvantaged citizens obtain meaningful employment. 欲知详情,请浏览

关于 雇佣我们的英雄

2011年3月推出, 雇佣我们的英雄是一项全国性的倡议,旨在联系退伍军人, 服务成员的过渡, 军人配偶找到了有意义的工作. 与美国合作.S. Chamber of Commerce’s vast network of state and local chambers and other strategic partners from the public, 私营和非营利部门, 雇佣我们的英雄 has helped hundreds of thousands of veterans 军人配偶找到了有意义的工作 through more than 1,在全美50个州举办了5000场招聘会, 波多黎各, 哥伦比亚特区, and on military installations overseas; a suite of free online career-based resources; and the Hiring 500,000英雄战役.

关于 买世界杯app推荐

买世界杯app推荐, 佐治亚技术学院系统的一个单位, 是提供学术和技术教育的公立高等教育机构吗, 定制的商业和行业培训, 继续教育, 学生支持, 经济发展, 为其服务地区提供成人教育服务(伯克), 哥伦比亚, 林肯, 麦克达菲, 和里士满县)具有竞争力的金融价值. 理学副学士学位, 应用科学副学士学位, 文凭, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

欲了解更多信息,请联系社区参与主任金伯利·霍尔顿 & 买世界杯app推荐公共事务学院,706.771. 4819.

乔治亚州, 蓝色阴影部分, transitioning from light blue at the top to navy blue at the bottom with white lines intersecting at angles to create a 3D effect. 首字母缩略词TCSG是在大,粗体,海蓝色的文本是在右边                                               “雇用我们”是在“英雄”上方的深蓝色文字,这是在图形的中心. The "O" has a white 5 pointed star in the center and the "E" is represented by 3 horizontal red rectangles in "Heroes". "U.S. Chamber of Commerce" is in smaller black text below "Heroes" followed by "Foundation" evenly spaced along the bottom of the graphic.                                                                                    买世界杯app推荐的标志是黑色的.  The logo is a square shape that contains vertical stacking of the words 买世界杯app推荐 Established 1961 in all caps.  “AUGUSTA”和“TECHNICAL”这两个词被一排包含三个方块的文字隔开.  每个正方形包含一个剪影图像.  第一个方格里有一个脖子上戴着白色听诊器的女性.  The second square contains a person kneeling to the right wearing a welding helmet and holding a welding torch.  The third square contains a man standing at attention wearing a black business suit with a white pocket square, 白领正装衬衫, 黑色领带.  “TECHNICAL”和“COLLEGE”这两个词被一条实心的黑色水平线隔开.


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