
买世界杯app推荐 selects 2023-2024 Adult Education EAGLE奖得主,年度优秀教师

Congratulations Ms. Thompson and Ms. Kearney!


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Kimberly Holden
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Ms. 卡洛琳·汤普森和琼斯女士. 佩妮·科尔尼从左至右.买世界杯app推荐激动地宣布. Carolyn Thompson has been named the 2023-2024 Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) Winner and Mrs. Penny Kearney has been selected as the 2023-2024 Outstanding Teacher of the Year (OTOY) for the Adult Education Department.

女士的宣布. Thompson and Mrs. 科尔尼作为优胜者是在当地的杰克B比赛后取得的. 奥古斯塔校区帕特里克信息技术中心(ITC).

The nominees were:

  • Carolyn Thompson (FY24 EAGLE代表)-提名导师Ms .. Charlene Crane
  • Rehma Irfan (亚军)-提名指导老师. Penny Kearny
  • Candice Dameron -提名导师. Devlynn Taylor
  • Bryanne Reeves -提名指导员. Jimmy Bostock

Ms. Thompson successfully completed her GED program and graduated with her GED in June 2023. She is currently enrolled in the Design Media and Production Technology at 买世界杯app推荐.

“我很高兴代表买世界杯app推荐获得EAGLE提名. It is a blessing for me to tell my story and show others that it is never too late to give up on their hopes and dreams. 我将永远感激成人教育系对我的信任. 这整个经历对我来说是一种祝福, and I look forward to representing 买世界杯app推荐 with the utmost respect.” stated Thompson.

EAGLE is the first statewide program in the nation that recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in adult education programs. This student recognition program is designed to create greater awareness of educational opportunities that are available in local communities across the state and to foster greater involvement in lifelong learning pursuits.

乔治亚州技术学院系统(TCSG),)通过其成人教育办公室(OAE), 赞助一年一度的EAGLE领导力学院. Ms. Thompson will represent 买世界杯app推荐 at the Institute on March 25-27, 2024. The Leadership Institute recognizes and honors those students who have demonstrated superior achievement in adult education classes and programs.

The state winner will carry the title of Technical College System of Georgia EAGLE Winner and will serve as the state’s ambassador for adult education. The winner exemplifies excellence and a commitment to the mission of the Technical College System of Georgia’s Office of Adult Education and makes many public appearances throughout the year, 包括TCSG领导会议和TCSG董事会会议等等. The state winner will also receive a full two-year scholarship to the technical college of his or her choice.

Mrs. Kearney was nominated by her peers at the college to become the Adult Education Outstanding Teacher of the Year. The Adult Education OTOY program is designed to recognize and honor our most outstanding Adult Education teachers who make significant contributions to the
通过指导,创新和领导. 这些优秀教师参加学校和社区活动, they understand the importance of and are committed to the Adult Education profession, 他们是卓越的典范. The OTOY has a deep commitment to the mission of the Office of Adult Education (OAE).

买世界杯app推荐是一所卓越的学院. I am proud to work at a College that consistently produces high standards and is persistently improving the quality of education in our community. It is an honor to represent 买世界杯app推荐 as the FY24 Outstanding Adult Education Teacher of the Year. I look forward to serving as a liaison for ATC and am excited to continue my teaching
career.” stated Kearney.

Mrs. Kearney has been an educator for 26 years; she taught first and second grade for 21 years and has been an instructor teaching ABE online and in person classes for the past five years. 她的热情是教授学生基本的读写技能. 她已婚,有两个女儿和四个孙子.

“每年我都期待着与我们的EAGLE代表一起工作! 我为刘小姐感到非常骄傲. Thompson. 她从未放弃过获得普通教育证书的梦想,这是我真正钦佩的. 我为刘小姐感到兴奋. 汤普森和她作为EAGLE代表的未来一年. 我也很兴奋,Ms. Penny Kearney has been named this year’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year for Adult Education. Ms. 科尔尼对识字和帮助他人充满热情. 她被同龄人选为我们学院的代表, 我感到无比自豪,安吉拉·莫斯利说,

The OAE OTOY Award Winner serves as a professional-level ambassador for Adult Education in Georgia as the TCSG OAE’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year . 他/她在一年中有很多公开露面(虚拟或亲自), 包括在TCSG国家委员会面前展示, college presidents, 城市/州官员, the General Assembly of the State of Georgia and other speaking engagement opportunities in order to promote Adult Education.

In addition to carrying the distinguished title, the recipient will receive a cash award of $2,500.



买世界杯app推荐, 佐治亚技术学院系统的一个单位, is a public postsecondary institution that provides academic and technical education, 定制的商业和行业培训, 继续教育, student support, 经济发展, 为其服务地区提供成人教育服务(伯克), Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, 和里士满县)具有竞争力的金融价值. 理学副学士学位, 应用科学副学士学位, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

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